Hello Astro Friends,

                         Star Party

Well, at last, we finally get some nice cool dry air, comfortable nights,
and clear skies.  The Canadian cold fronts are finally pushing their way
through Alabama, bringing crisp shadows and deep blue skies in the daytime
and good transparency at night.  Saturn is showing its rings again and we
have what may be the comet of the decade or another "Kohoutek" in comet
Hale-Bopp.  The hype has begun.  Stay tuned.

There will be NO Georgia Star Party this year due to problems in securing
the site in north Georgia.  So, for the first time since I can't remember when, I'll
be at Holley's Field for a September star party. The weather Friday looks like
rain at this writing so why don't we shoot for Saturday , September 23,
Autumnal Equinox.  Sunset (and sunrise)is about 6:40.

For other regional star party junkies, The Deep South Regional Star Gaze is
scheduled for October 19-22.  If you need registration information, contact
Robert Rock or me.

		 Happy Anniversary

The Auburn Astronomical Society celebrates its fifteenth anniversary this
month.  Thanks, Keith.

                         Web Site of the Month

http://stdatu.stsci.edu/dss/    (See Sky & Telescope October 1995, page 87)

Want to check out that faint galaxy you found at the last star party to see
if its really a barred spiral like you thought you saw?  Try comparing it to
the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey digitized image.  All images in B&W,
just like you saw it.  The only problem I found was that the brighter Planetary
Nebulae, e.g. NGC1501, were grossly over exposed.  But then the images of
the brighter objects can be found in other sites.

The regular October meeting will be Friday, October 6.  Don't forget to bring
your checkbook if you want to renew your magazine subscription.

See you then.

PS  New e-mail address effective this week will be: